武夷山市总面积2798平方千米,2016年总人口24万人,辖3镇、4乡、3个街道、4个农茶场、115个行政村。1999年12月,被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,成为中国第4处、世界23处世界文化与自然“双遗产”地之一。本次大赛由湖南省体育局指导,长沙市广场舞协会主办,湖南农城微旅有限公司承办,中国智慧城市工作委员会华中区、武夷山市环球旅游社、武夷山广场舞协会、 武夷山市老体协(武夷街道 公馆村)、湖南颐养养老中心服务中心、厦门市于思文化传播有限公司协办。长沙第七届全民健身节五届“杜鹃花”万人广场舞在武夷山,2014年中南林科大体育馆举行第1届
【三整齐】动作整齐,服装整齐,笑容装扮整齐;The meaning standard, rules and laws of the World Square Dance Competition
[Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Film Associations] Vice Chairman and Secretary-General, Vice Chairman of the World's Top Masters Organization, Vice President of the World's Top Art Masters Association, Director of the World Art Appraisal Center, World Art Chief Appraiser, Vice President of International Top Art Masters, World Vice Chairman of Chinese Art Academy, Vice Chairman of China National Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice Chairman of China Art Exchange Association, Vice Chairman of China Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice Chairman of World Association of UNESCO, President of International Cultural Tourism Food Art Competition, Godfather of World Model Beauty Contest , the beauty model standard setter, the executive director of the Hunan Sports Health Association, the president of the World Master Art Organization, the International Film and Television Culture Tourism Competition,
Former CCTV China influence director, Hunan People's Broadcasting Station, Hunan TV special correspondent, contemporary business newspaper reporter, editor-in-chief, Hunan Radio and Television Department audio and video production director, [on Hunan map, Baixian exhibition] TV editor, Hunan Broadcasting General Manager of TV Development Corporation, General Manager of Chaoyang Industrial Company of Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Vice Chairman of Hunan Tourism Association, Hunan Provincial Recording Video Inspector, Director of Hunan Provincial Enterprise Planning Center, Chairman of Hunan Provincial Center Advertising Company, Hunan Science and Technology and Economic Information Editor-in-Chief, Hunan Economic Newspaper Special Reporter, Hunan Innovative Inventor Editor, Deputy Director of Industrial Engineering, China Risk Sharing Advertising, Xingye Support Advertising Editor, Hunan International Entertainment Food Competition, Miss Hunan, Hunan International Image Miss Competition, Hunan Director of the Young Calligraphers Association, Vice President of Esperanto Hunan, Dean of the Esperanto Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Director of Hunan Xingye Engineering Advertising Support, Director of Hunan Enterprise Risk Sharing, Vice President of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice President of the World Beauty Organization, World Beauty Contest Organization vice Chairman, World Standards Model Standards Setter, Vice President of the World Tourism Contest, 187 awarding guests and judges, [Daddy don't leave], etc.
The competition was guided by the Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau, sponsored by Changsha Square Dance Association, hosted by Hunan Agricultural City Weilv Co., Ltd., China Smart City Working Committee Huazhong District, Wuyishan Global Travel Agency, Wuyishan Square Dance Association, Wuyishan City Association (Wuyi Street Gongguan Village), Hunan Nursing Center Service Center, Xiamen Yusi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The 5th "Azalea" 10,000 Square Dance of Changsha 7th National Fitness Festival was held in Wuyishan, the 1st session of the Central South University of Science and Technology Stadium in 2014.
The meaning standards, rules, and laws of the World Square Dance Competition; [24 articles such as March 8]
[Three no distinctions] regardless of skin color, regardless of nationality, regardless of the country;
[Three participation] happy men and women, high and low, young and old, face fat and thin;
[Three no choices] No music, no place, no crowds;
[Three Relaxation] Relax your mind, let go of your brain, and relax your body;
[Three meanings] happiness and entertainment, fitness and physical strength, self-hearted;
[Three does not speak] does not talk about artistic skills, does not speak tall, does not speak at home and abroad;
[Complete match three] The dance is neat and beautiful, the dance costume is beautiful, and the dance is perfect;
[Three neatly] The movements are neat, the clothes are neat, and the smiles are neatly dressed;世界华人艺术院副主席,中国国家书画院副主席,中国艺术交流协会副主席,中国书画研究院副主席,世界教科组织协会副主席,国际文化旅游美食艺术争霸赛主席,世界模特选美大赛一代宗师教父,选美模特标准制定者,湖南省运动养身协会常务理事长,世界巨匠组织书画艺术研究院院长,国际影视文化旅游大赛主席,

武夷山市总面积2798平方千米,2016年总人口24万人,辖3镇、4乡、3个街道、4个农茶场、115个行政村。1999年12月,被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,成为中国第4处、世界23处世界文化与自然“双遗产”地之一。本次大赛由湖南省体育局指导,长沙市广场舞协会主办,湖南农城微旅有限公司承办,中国智慧城市工作委员会华中区、武夷山市环球旅游社、武夷山广场舞协会、 武夷山市老体协(武夷街道 公馆村)、湖南颐养养老中心服务中心、厦门市于思文化传播有限公司协办。长沙第七届全民健身节五届“杜鹃花”万人广场舞在武夷山,2014年中南林科大体育馆举行第1届
【三整齐】动作整齐,服装整齐,笑容装扮整齐;The meaning standard, rules and laws of the World Square Dance Competition
[Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Film Associations] Vice Chairman and Secretary-General, Vice Chairman of the World's Top Masters Organization, Vice President of the World's Top Art Masters Association, Director of the World Art Appraisal Center, World Art Chief Appraiser, Vice President of International Top Art Masters, World Vice Chairman of Chinese Art Academy, Vice Chairman of China National Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice Chairman of China Art Exchange Association, Vice Chairman of China Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice Chairman of World Association of UNESCO, President of International Cultural Tourism Food Art Competition, Godfather of World Model Beauty Contest , the beauty model standard setter, the executive director of the Hunan Sports Health Association, the president of the World Master Art Organization, the International Film and Television Culture Tourism Competition,
Former CCTV China influence director, Hunan People's Broadcasting Station, Hunan TV special correspondent, contemporary business newspaper reporter, editor-in-chief, Hunan Radio and Television Department audio and video production director, [on Hunan map, Baixian exhibition] TV editor, Hunan Broadcasting General Manager of TV Development Corporation, General Manager of Chaoyang Industrial Company of Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Vice Chairman of Hunan Tourism Association, Hunan Provincial Recording Video Inspector, Director of Hunan Provincial Enterprise Planning Center, Chairman of Hunan Provincial Center Advertising Company, Hunan Science and Technology and Economic Information Editor-in-Chief, Hunan Economic Newspaper Special Reporter, Hunan Innovative Inventor Editor, Deputy Director of Industrial Engineering, China Risk Sharing Advertising, Xingye Support Advertising Editor, Hunan International Entertainment Food Competition, Miss Hunan, Hunan International Image Miss Competition, Hunan Director of the Young Calligraphers Association, Vice President of Esperanto Hunan, Dean of the Esperanto Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Director of Hunan Xingye Engineering Advertising Support, Director of Hunan Enterprise Risk Sharing, Vice President of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice President of the World Beauty Organization, World Beauty Contest Organization vice Chairman, World Standards Model Standards Setter, Vice President of the World Tourism Contest, 187 awarding guests and judges, [Daddy don't leave], etc.
The competition was guided by the Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau, sponsored by Changsha Square Dance Association, hosted by Hunan Agricultural City Weilv Co., Ltd., China Smart City Working Committee Huazhong District, Wuyishan Global Travel Agency, Wuyishan Square Dance Association, Wuyishan City Association (Wuyi Street Gongguan Village), Hunan Nursing Center Service Center, Xiamen Yusi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The 5th "Azalea" 10,000 Square Dance of Changsha 7th National Fitness Festival was held in Wuyishan, the 1st session of the Central South University of Science and Technology Stadium in 2014.
The meaning standards, rules, and laws of the World Square Dance Competition; [24 articles such as March 8]
[Three no distinctions] regardless of skin color, regardless of nationality, regardless of the country;
[Three participation] happy men and women, high and low, young and old, face fat and thin;
[Three no choices] No music, no place, no crowds;
[Three Relaxation] Relax your mind, let go of your brain, and relax your body;
[Three meanings] happiness and entertainment, fitness and physical strength, self-hearted;
[Three does not speak] does not talk about artistic skills, does not speak tall, does not speak at home and abroad;
[Complete match three] The dance is neat and beautiful, the dance costume is beautiful, and the dance is perfect;
[Three neatly] The movements are neat, the clothes are neat, and the smiles are neatly dressed;