湖南酒协组织14地市会长大酒商大亨们70余人,26乘机到广西南丹洞天酒海,广西丹泉酒业公司承办,热情接待这批酒业湘军代表人,世界大师王京华国粹国礼珍藏酒同行。记者 胡芳)广西有着极其丰富的溶洞资源,珍藏5万吨美酒的溶洞“生态长寿地 三姐文化城”酒业湘军们来到有大世界基尼斯“最大天然藏酒洞”称号的南丹县洞天酒海景区,同时也品味酒洞的独特魅力。


  走入“洞天酒海”的藏酒洞,一股浓郁的丹泉酒香扑面袭来,沁人心脾。因这里常年保持均衡的温度、湿度,所以洞中的酒香不易扩散,绵绵的酒香挥之不去,浓郁悠长令人如痴如醉。  “看完洞天酒海,感觉特别神奇。盘龙般的洞壁、惟妙惟肖的石头造型,还有天下第一酒坛、酒廊的震撼……10万平方米的地方将天然溶洞跟酿酒工艺生产进行了很完美的结合。我们在里面不仅能体验大自然的鬼斧神工,还能品味丹泉酒文化。刚刚我还品尝了一些丹泉酒,感觉这酒特别醇香。”在酒洞的米香酿造车间里,荆楚网徐芳感叹。


The meaning standard, rules and laws of the World Square Dance Competition
[Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Film Associations] Vice Chairman and Secretary-General, Vice Chairman of the World's Top Masters Organization, Vice President of the World's Top Art Masters Association, Director of the World Art Appraisal Center, World Art Chief Appraiser, Vice President of International Top Art Masters, World Vice Chairman of Chinese Art Academy, Vice Chairman of China National Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice Chairman of China Art Exchange Association, Vice Chairman of China Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice Chairman of World Association of UNESCO, President of International Cultural Tourism Food Art Competition, Godfather of World Model Beauty Contest , the beauty model standard setter, the executive director of the Hunan Sports Health Association, the president of the World Master Art Organization, the International Film and Television Culture Tourism Competition,
Former CCTV China influence director, Hunan People's Broadcasting Station, Hunan TV special correspondent, contemporary business newspaper reporter, editor-in-chief, Hunan Radio and Television Department audio and video production director, [on Hunan map, Baixian exhibition] TV editor, Hunan Broadcasting General Manager of TV Development Corporation, General Manager of Chaoyang Industrial Company of Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Vice Chairman of Hunan Tourism Association, Hunan Provincial Recording Video Inspector, Director of Hunan Provincial Enterprise Planning Center, Chairman of Hunan Provincial Center Advertising Company, Hunan Science and Technology and Economic Information Editor-in-Chief, Hunan Economic Newspaper Special Reporter, Hunan Innovative Inventor Editor, Deputy Director of Industrial Engineering, China Risk Sharing Advertising, Xingye Support Advertising Editor, Hunan International Entertainment Food Competition, Miss Hunan, Hunan International Image Miss Competition, Hunan Director of the Young Calligraphers Association, Vice President of Esperanto Hunan, Dean of the Esperanto Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Director of Hunan Xingye Engineering Advertising Support, Director of Hunan Enterprise Risk Sharing, Vice President of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Vice President of the World Beauty Organization, World Beauty Contest Organization vice Chairman, World Standards Model Stan